European alternatives to Google's Gmail
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What European email services do you use?Please recommend other interesting email services by your experience.
I have switched from Google's Gmail to ProtonMail and kMail. I really like both, kMail (by Infomaniak) have very similar app interface to Gmail so you will get used to it very fast and also have big storage for free and very good offers for paid plans 👍🏼
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in reply to Blaze • • •Why is Kmail in there?
Kmail is a client: it can't host.
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in reply to OmnomnomOom • • •Tiger Jerusalem
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in reply to Tiger Jerusalem • • •mussol
in reply to bazzzzzzz • • •the whole suit is called ksuite:
they have an app to sync and it's free (20G)
in reply to mussol • • •abeorch
in reply to Blaze • •Buy European reshared this.
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in reply to Blaze • • •jon
in reply to szczuroarturo • • •szczuroarturo
in reply to jon • • •ByteOnBikes
in reply to szczuroarturo • • •Jofus
in reply to ByteOnBikes • • •Wasnt this just one message on X? Though I understand Everyone's worries. Isn’t Proton a company with a board of directors and a binding mission statement. I am sincerely wondering if the whole thing isn’t blown up too much. For me I am with proton for now and keeping my ear to the ground concerning any developments. But in short Proton is a safe and secure EU based alternative for Gmail right now, wouldn’t you agree?
Proton’s whole mission statement is based around privacy so it would take a big shift in the company to actually start registering and selling data… at least that’s my perspective. I’m curious to see if any more developments will occur concerning their CEO
in reply to Jofus • • •…
Here is his response, he only apologized for using the official brand account. It's wise to look for alternatives, and he should suffer Musk like consequences.
in reply to Blaze • • •ArcaneChat
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in reply to fragrantvegetable • • •BrundleFly2077
in reply to Blaze • • •Tyde
in reply to BrundleFly2077 • • •rooroo
in reply to Blaze • • •SchwertImStein
in reply to rooroo • • •go $fsck yourself
in reply to SchwertImStein • • •Here's the actual tweet so you can see it for yourself
He did praise Trump and platform him, then he praised the Republican party saying they are the party of "the little guys" (small business), which is just flat out wrong. He does not acknowledge that there are an abundance of things Trump is doing that is fucking awful and disgusting. At best it's an extremely tone-deaf tweet.
What that comment does is paint Trump and the Republican party in a very good light and ignores other things they do that are terrible, illegal, and much more important than a single cherry-picked action. That's effectively an endorsement (i.e. ass-kissing) without saying it in exact words.
Also, it's so very obvious that anyone associated with Trump absolutely needs to abide by Trump's every whim or else he will replace you. So, the point he was trying to make is entirely moot in the first place.
There is just no way to praise Trump or the Republican party without showing your ignorance or alignment with them. Just like you can't just have a little bit of shit in your food. Once you've got even a little bit of shit in your food, then you've got shit-food. Or, in this case, a Trump-shit stained CEO's mouth.
in reply to go $fsck yourself • • •ysjet
in reply to Comtief • • •Comtief
in reply to ysjet • • •…
in reply to Comtief • • •Comtief
in reply to ysjet • • •Do you have any links to the articles and mastodon tweets? I can't find anything atm.
Went through these.. didn't really contradict anything I said, imo. I mean, yes he seems naive in believing that republicans could somehow be more against big tech than democrats... but at the same time, the corporate capture is pretty bad in the USA overall (by bad i mean way too overextended).
If anything, Andy just seems single minded about the issue of big tech and that makes him naive about republicans, but it doesn't look like he is actually supporting them.. yet. Like, he foolishly says what is on his mind with zero regards to optics.
Proton Mail Faces Backlash Over Claims of Political Neutrality Amid CEO’s Praise for Republican Party
Anochie Esther (Techstory Media)ysjet
in reply to Comtief • • •go $fsck yourself
in reply to Comtief • • •Comtief
in reply to go $fsck yourself • • •I agree his tweet was tone deaf, but I don't think it makes him a Trump bootlicker, either.
go $fsck yourself
in reply to Comtief • • •go $fsck yourself
in reply to Comtief • • •Comtief
in reply to go $fsck yourself • • •A Follow Up on 'Does Proton Still Stand for Anything' ?
Carey Lening (Privacat Insights)go $fsck yourself
in reply to Comtief • • •I do feel like that article mirrors my own feelings about the situation in a lot of ways, and doesn't try to overly downplay his actions but instead characterizes them as "extremely ignorant/uninformed" about Trump and the Republican party.
I can fully understand that perspective and agree with it for the most part, but for me that's why I find it inexcusable. If you're not willing to put in the most minimal amount of effort into looking into who Trump and the Republican party, then just don't make tweets like that. You're talking out your ass to a large audience and providing this rectally derived opinion unprompted. The dude just praised a rapist and a party that is breaking laws to give that rapist as much power as he wants. I can't think of any situation where being uninformed or ignorant would be an excuse for that.
in reply to go $fsck yourself • • •I agree.. I just don't think its enough to compromise Proton as a company as a whole. I still hope they are legit about the privacy and customer protection. But yeah, it doesn't look good when the CEO is behaving like this.
EDIT: I also try to acknowledge that I spend too much time online (reddit previously, now lemmy) and from that perspective its so obvious what a shithead Trump is, but looks like a lot of "normies" are still not caught up with that reality yet. What I'm trying to say is that I try to remain more levelheaded about how people view Trump or Republicans. A lot of people were still thinking Musk is a genius (and I don't mean genius in scamming) even less than a year ago.. hopefully they catch up eventually.
go $fsck yourself
in reply to Comtief • • •The E Jean Carroll trial that proved Trump raped her* ended in 2023. And he was convicted in early 2024 for 37 counts of felony fraud. Those are just the most recent cases among many others over decades. I don't think anyone should get a free pass based on ignorance for making any statements about Trump.
Neither do any "normies" get any pass if you're in the US. Though, I do know some people that are staunchly against even thinking about politics, that's the only kind of example I could think of that would be an excuse, but that's a whole other problem of willful ignorance.
But yeah, I won't fault anyone for not wanting to jump ship just yet from the CEOs absolutely brainless tweet and then his horribly poor attempt to excuse it. But if you're going to offer Proton as an option then I do think it's important to inform people of that, without trying to dismiss it, so they can make the choice for themselves.
*Not technically fitting that states strict legal definition for the court to convict, but the judge made a statement saying that it was rape in the common sense
in reply to go $fsck yourself • • •I understand that but it's kind of what i'm saying.. if I wasn't on reddit or lemmy, I probably wouldn't even know about it, since I don't really particularly care about Trump. I assume most people don't. Yes, the CEO of Proton should know better because that's his job, but in general I think people just really don't care and don't know.
I think a lot of people just consider Trump a loud idiot, without giving much consideration into how dangerous him and his party is or what kind of felonies he has been convicted for.
go $fsck yourself
in reply to Comtief • • •gabbath
in reply to go $fsck yourself • • •rooroo
in reply to go $fsck yourself • • •Comtief
in reply to rooroo • • •go $fsck yourself
in reply to Comtief • • •What context? There's no other context for this tweet.
The way I see it is that he only cares about how his business and his own ideologies benefit. As long as he gets what he wants, that's what matters. Not everything else that's absolutely horrendous that Trump and the Republican party are doing, and things that show that you can't trust anything they do even if it may seem like a good thing on its face.
At best, tone-deaf, ignorant, and somewhat disrespectful to the people that are and will be suffering from Trump's regime.
That ain't a CEO that I can trust. I'll pass. You do what you want, but it's certainly not overblown or missing context.
in reply to go $fsck yourself • • •I'd still take proton over Gmail any day and the private drive thing is nice too, as long as he won't go full pro-Trump, I'm fine with Proton.
I mean, he is not even wrong that democrats are captured by big tech, he just seems naive to think that Republicans are not actually worse.
Also his donating pattern is similar to George Soros, so there is that.
go $fsck yourself
in reply to Comtief • • •I gotcha. Though "as long as he won't go full pro-Trump" seems a bit close for comfort. Maybe he is and he's just toning it down publicly.
Overall, though, I'd rather see people suggesting other options first. Then tossing in Proton as an option along with the context of that tweet showing that he's not exactly reliable and could be not far off from full MAGA.
in reply to Comtief • • •For real. Even Bernie Sanders has praised Trump on a single issue before. Are we going to turn against him too?
Donald Trump Gets Unexpected Praise from Bernie Sanders: 'Good Idea'
Donald Trump Gets Unexpected Praise from Bernie Sanders: 'Good Idea'
Monica Sager (Newsweek)go $fsck yourself
in reply to AlDente • • •False equivalence. Bernie has more than enough history of outlining his views on Trump. Yen doesn't have that kind of history, so the tweet reads as an endorsement overall. The fact he's stating that 'Republicans are the party for small businesses' in itself shows how absolutely ignorant he is and willing to drink their bullshit.
That's enough for me to see how he stands. He may not be fully supportive of Trump and the Republicans, but he's shown himself to be beyond the threshold that I am willing to tolerate.
in reply to go $fsck yourself • • •Andy Yen might not have the same publicity as Bernie Sanders, but the history is there. This article covers actions and statements from Andy and Proton going back about ten years from what I can see in the timestamps. Some of the highlights include Andy personally:
- announcing programs to support girls into tech that may be considered DEI by GOP standards
- announcing fundraising for Ukraine after the Russian invasion
- criticizing the termination of Credit Suisse's first and only black CEO, Tidjane Thiam, as racism
- praising Biden's choice for FTC chair, Lina Khan, after she initiated lawsuits against big tech
- collaborating with Lina Khan in an antitrust report submitted by a Democratic party majority in the Subcommittee on Antitrust
- and outlining new privacy concerns resulting from Trump taking control of the NSA on the official Proton blog.
Yet, despite Andy's history of actions that run contrary to Trump and the GOP platform, I'd charge that the greater false equivalency is equating Andy as Proton. While Bernie can clearly speak for himself, Andy is not alone in controlling Proton. Proton is a non-profit foundation governed by a board of directors and is headquartered in a country with laws against complying with US subpoenas. As as greater entity, Proton has donated to left-leaning organizations such as Fight for the Future in the US, Access Now, and Women Who Code. Reviewing Proton donations, I don't see any right-leaning contributions. Most of it is toward privacy and freedom-of-press focused organizations that align with my views. You may have made up your mind on Andy, but I refuse to throw out the entire positive history of Proton in response to this one tweet.
go $fsck yourself
in reply to AlDente • • •I've gone over that article before and it doesn't outline a character that would not align with Trump when it suits him, which is the main concern here. He showed very clearly that he is willing to be utterly ignorant and blind to Trump and the Republican party's full scope of deeds and praise them for something that is just false.
In your list of actions you picked out you're having to reach in order to make them seem like it shows his full character.
Supporting girls into tech "that may be considered DEI by GOP standards" doesn't show he's opposed to the Republicans anti-DEI policies at all, making that entirely irrelevant.
Supporting Ukraine just means he supported Ukraine, not that he's disgusted by Trump's support of Russia, his calling for Ukraine to let Russia take their land, or even his abhorrent behavior towards Zelenskyy.
Praising Biden's FTC pick doesn't align himself with the Democrats. (though that would also be a rather dumb thing in a different way. Fuck the Democrats.)
Collaborating with Lina Khan on anti-trust literally directly benefits him.
The Proton Blog post you're referencing literally has an entire section subtitled "It is not Trump's fault".
Most importantly, that Medium article itself is highly suspect. It's the only thing submitted by that author and they haven't written anything else since. It seems too much like a planted article made for damage control.
So, it's not "despite his history" because he doesn't have any anti-trump history. Even Trump himself has "actions that run contrary to Trump and the GOP platform" as you say. That's the most mild possible kind of argument that Yen isn't pro-trump.
If the goal was to say that he is very hopeful about Gail Slater, that's all he had to do. If he wanted to say that the Democrats have been failing at being proactive against big tech, he could have said that. If he wanted to say that he thinks that he can work with Republicans to achieve good goals, he could have said that, too.
Again, what we do have is Yen praising Trump and then praising the Republican party for something that is not true. His argument is that because of the "corporate capture Democrats" (not wrong) that means that the Republicans is the party that fighting against big tech, which is just so inexcusably ignorant towards Trump and the Republican party. The big tech giants were there with Trump at his inauguration seated right by him!
I have not heard anyone make any argument to equate Yen to Proton, and neither have I made any statement to that effect. Though, he still is the CEO which means he still has significant sway over Proton.
Don't forget that Trump is a rapist. So, personally, I refuse to excuse anyone who gives Trump any praise without specifically acknowledging that fact.
I, and many others, simply do not want to support Proton because it supports Yen who made such an utterly stupid tweet that is more than just a little concerning and tone-deaf, which then also calls into question Proton's future. I'd rather avoid Proton when there are other options, and I'd rather people know about the other options and about the context that Yen himself is questionable making Proton questionable, too.
in reply to rooroo • • •CarbonBasedNPU
in reply to Th3D3k0y • • •webghost0101
in reply to Blaze • • •Disroot is based in the netherlands i believe.
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in reply to webghost0101 • • •halva
in reply to jinwk00 • • •jinwk00
in reply to halva • • •einsfuenfzigbreit
in reply to Blaze • • •What's up with that misleading information as if there's something missing? This just means you can use any mail application you want with the standard mail protocols IMAP and POP3. If a mail provider is offering an app themselves that's fine but that's nothing a mail provider HAS to offer.
What's much more important is how they handle you data, how good they filter out spam, how big you mailbox can be, cost, sustainability etc. But the app is the least important thing.
in reply to einsfuenfzigbreit • • •einsfuenfzigbreit
in reply to CarrotsHaveEars • • •But doesn't need their client. They support normal protocols:…
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