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Bluetooth chat app for flights

!Open Source - Im looking for a chat app that I can use with others mid flight. Ideally id be able to send them the apk to install while in flightmode (with Bluetooth) - Yes we are too cheap to pay for seats together. But in our defence we fly alot.
in reply to abeorch

indeed. it will serve you well in many, many... situations.
in reply to abeorch

I know you’re looking for a technical solution but have you considered just yelling across the cabin at each other?
in reply to Gayhitler

Oh yeah .. we also considered both sign language and private jets but the couldn't agree on what type of either.
in reply to Gayhitler

For some flights i request a lap belt and ask to sit on his neighbours lap for the duration.

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in reply to abeorch

Write something in your notes app, screen shot it, send the picture. I do this with my OH on trains frequently.
in reply to abeorch

I think Briar can do that
in reply to abeorch

I can report that our test of Briar worked perfectly.. (Except it was accidentally called Brian at some point.. ) I can see that sticking. - Our test was somewhat short circuited by #Ryanair's decision to actually seat us together in an #exitrow for once. #extralegroom baby!

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in reply to callcc

Would love to ...cant wait for a true highspeed #paris - #barcelona or #paris - #madrid service. With better #crossborderrail we might even get to sit next to each other. #europeansleeper might even get us in the same bed. Imagine #London to Barcelona overnight. Id probably almost never sleep at home

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in reply to abeorch

Same! Can't believe I can get to Paris in 90 minutes from the Netherlands, but 11 hours to Barcelona!
in reply to abeorch

There’s Meshtastic/LORA if you also like getting yelled at by airport security lol
in reply to abeorch

Even though there are really good open source app but I'll not recommend this as Bluetooth itself is very very insecure