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abeorch reshared this.

The 2025 opportunity for credit unions to penetrate commercial banking…

#FinTech #FinServ #Banking

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abeorch reshared this.

Lots of tech influencers out there who want you to know AI is inevitable. This is a refreshing change from two years ago, when they all wanted you to know NFTs were inevitable

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#Eurostar monopoly gets track access fee reduction - But won't pass on savings

@Jon Worth - This is what a monoploy does. It reduces supply and increases prices compared to a market with multiple operators - Failing to pass on cost savings. I understand the blockage on #Eurostar compeition from #openaccessrail is the use of the rail yards in outer London. There is pleny of available capactity on the line and at #StratfordInternational and #EbbesfleetInternational as well as closer to the #EnglishChannel at #Ashford…

abeorch reshared this.

Drastically Reduced Xiaomi Bootloader Unlock Policy Raises Questions Over Device Ownership…

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Selfhosted reshared this.

Alexa Show, Lenovo Smart Clock Smart Display alternative.


Im interested if people are finding anything witha similar form factor to Alexa Shows or Lenovo smart clocks that can run Linux ?

Im particularly interested in something with a decent speaker, integrated camera and display. Ideally 12v DC or POE powered.

I'm also looking for self hosted apps with pushtotalk or Dropin features.

I know I could probably cobble something together but ideally something well formed but would be cool.

What are people's thoughts / suggestions?

in reply to abeorch Selfhosted reshared this.

I also found this thing. Which has an interesting form factor but no idea what the underlying spec is…

Along with some weird stuff on ebay

in reply to abeorch Selfhosted reshared this.

I was looking at options such as a Degoogled #Android Tablet or something like a HP Pro X2 Tablet 612 G2 with #Ubuntu. Then the software is the key. #HomeAssistant I guess would provide the UI - hopefully with voice. I'm still trying to get a jitsi instance running on #yunohost

abeorch reshared this.

Get it in your shiny new calendar - three Geomob events coming up in January:

Edinburgh 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 - Tuesday, Jan 28th…

Tampere, Finland 🇫🇮 - Tuesday, Jan 28th…

London 🇬🇧 - Thursday, Jan 30th…

#geomobEDI #geomobFIN #geomobLON

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abeorch reshared this.

🆕 blog! “What would a decentralised Uber look like?”

Uber are undoubtedly a company engaged in extremely dodgy activity. But, on the other had, they're ridiculously convenient. A few months ago, we landed in a foreign country, opened the same Uber app as we used back home, and booked a cab. It just worked. I didn't need to register for a different version. I […]

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#ReDeCentralize #uber

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Eurostar and open access

This is one for all the #highspeedrail and #crossborderrail people (including you ) It would be good if there were other #openaccess #railoperators on #HS1 and #HS2. I think it would be good for #gbrail. The #railfranchise model definately doesn't work to maximise utlisation of the '#railnetwork

in reply to Adam Monsen Selfhosted reshared this.

True.. but I Don't think there's a lot of work in their packaging. - And in terms of geting something running .. its low barrier to entry. Both are definately worth a mention.
in reply to Adam Monsen Selfhosted reshared this.

I just saw this one mention endurain, a fitness tracker. I've been looking for something to self host data about my health, fitness, etc. Has anyone tried this or anything else in the self-hosted or open source fitness space?

abeorch reshared this.

If you'd love to host your own services #mastodon #peertube #email #xmpp #nextcloud but don't necessarily have the technical skills, but you're willing to try.

You've got to check out #yunohost !!!

It's an amazing platform, that is made for non IT experts to install many #seflhost ed services with just a few clicks.

They even provide you with a free subdomain to get you started.

I urge you to checkout their new awesome website, you won't regret it!

*please boost

abeorch reshared this.

Anyone in #Madrid or #barcelona who uses #openwrt , #yunohost #openhab or #HomeAssistant or is into #openstreetmap or #Sailing and would like to do some #english - #spanish language exchange? Im only B2 level in #castellano but willing to try.

abeorch reshared this.

abeorch reshared this.

Alguien en #Madrid o #barcelona que usa #openwrt , #yunohost #openhab , #HomeAssistant o le gusta #openstreetmap o navegar? Si quieres #ingles - #espanol intercambio? Tengo nivel B2 en #castellano pero intento.

abeorch reshared this.

abeorch reshared this.

🆕 blog! “A few thoughts on domain verification for social media”

Both Mastodon and BlueSky have the concept of "self-verification". Rather than trust a central authority to assess your notability and then bless your account (as Twitter used to do), they let anyone self-attest using Domain Verification0. What does that mean? You tell the se…

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#BlueSky #domains #mastodon #SocialMedia

abeorch reshared this.

Anyone know any organisations using #mifos or #fineract within their #creditunion

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abeorch reshared this.

Sister ship Voyager 1 is ~23h 02m 14s of light travel time from Earth (2024:336:120000:1L)

abeorch reshared this.

Leaving # Zaragoza on a jet train
This entry was edited (1 month ago)